艺术家名:Klaus Badelt

专辑 介绍:

专辑:Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
歌手:Klaus Badelt
唱片公司:Walt Disney Records

专辑 介绍:

【钢琴师】奥斯卡影帝杰弗里·拉什、【指环王】精灵弓箭手奥兰多布鲁姆、【断头谷】 约翰尼·德普联手打造今夏最迷炫传奇冒险钜片!

本片是由迪士尼乐园中的游乐设施‘加勒比海盗’(Pirates of the Caribbean)衍生而来,由七夜冤灵导演戈尔·维宾斯基执导。透过最新电脑特效,展开一段惊险的海上奇航,观众会有全新视觉震撼,搭上这趟充满诡谲难料的暗潮汹涌奇航。本片于美国上映便击败终结者3荣登北美票房冠军,是今夏最俱震撼的海洋冒险动作钜片!

片中负责电影配乐的是由电影音乐中生代大将汉斯季默(Hans Zimmer)担任专辑的监制,并从自己所创设的电影音乐录音创作机构\’Media Ventures\’找来旗下新面孔Klaus Badelt掌舵。与季默一样来自德国的巴德特,投身德国电影圈与广告界多年,98年经由季默引荐入主好莱坞影音国度,陆续参与“夺面双雄”、“全民公敌”、“红色警戒”、“埃及王子”等片的幕后音乐工程,2000年更倍受重用穿梭于“碟中谍2”、“角斗士”与“X战警”等超强钜片,更与恩师汉斯季默共同担任“角斗士”的原声带制作大任。

本辑中巴德特带领Hollywood Studio Symphony这支专为好莱坞电影担任配乐的乐团,在十足专业的演奏下,缓板、慢板、快板的方式点出本片的澎湃大海史诗配乐,透过阴郁的提琴声、悲柔的弦乐声、急促的铃响鼓击、凝重的哀悼曲式,完整的显现出这部冒险传奇钜作,是张情感与格局兼备的动作大碟。

歌谱 列表:

01 – Fog Bound (From _Pirates of the Caribbean_ The Curse Of the Black Pearl__Score)
02 – The Medallion Calls (From _Pirates of the Caribbean_ The Curse Of the Black Pearl__Score)
03 – The Black Pearl (From _Pirates of the Caribbean_ The Curse Of the Black Pearl__Score)
04 – Will And Elizabeth (From _Pirates of the Caribbean_ The Curse Of the Black Pearl__Score)
05 – Swords Crossed (From _Pirates of the Caribbean_ The Curse Of the Black Pearl__Score)
06 – Walk The Plank (From _Pirates of the Caribbean_ The Curse Of the Black Pearl__Score)
07 – Barbossa Is Hungry (From _Pirates of the Caribbean_ The Curse Of the Black Pearl__Score)
08 – Blood Ritual (From _Pirates of the Caribbean_ The Curse Of the Black Pearl__Score)
09 – Moonlight Serenade (From _Pirates of the Caribbean_ The Curse Of the Black Pearl__Score)
10 – To The Pirates\’ Cave! (From _Pirates of the Caribbean_ The Curse Of the Black Pearl__Score)
11 – Skull And Crossbones (From _Pirates of the Caribbean_ The Curse Of the Black Pearl__Score)
12 – Bootstrap\’s Bootstraps (From _Pirates of the Caribbean_ The Curse Of the Black Pearl__Score)
13 – Underwater March (From _Pirates of the Caribbean_ The Curse Of the Black Pearl__Score)
14 – One Last Shot (From _Pirates of the Caribbean_ The Curse Of the Black Pearl__Score)
15 – He\’s a Pirate (From _Pirates of the Caribbean_ The Curse Of the Black Pearl__Score)

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