Estas Tonne – Internal Flight

作者 : Hi-Res 发布时间: 2023-05-31 共40人阅读

艺术家名:Estas Tonne

专辑 介绍:

The "Internal Flight" naturally occurred and formed during the intense travels in India, Middle East, Europe and Latin America in 2012.
While feeling the call to "stretch" already existing songs, improvising with the intensity of sound as well as "letting the strings tell stories" one evening, while in India, I\’ve had an experience.
Whatever was familiar until that very moment rearranged itself naturally into a long-lasting sound journey with an immense presence of silence between the waves. At that moment, this nameless flow of sound presented itself as a miracle in a way. Followed by this experience, while travelling worldwide, it formed into what is nowadays known as "Internal Flight."
These "sessions" became impossible to call "a concert" but rather:
"a transformation of a thought into eternal smiling silence".
From 2012 and on, as an experiment and a way of living, the "Internal Flight" sounded at meditation festivals, yoga retreats, street festivals, concert halls (small or large), theatres, mental institutes, elderly houses, mourning ceremonies, tiny house gatherings, ceremonious weddings and massive parties. During enormous amounts of sessions, ranging from 1 to 5 hours, I\’ve seen and felt incredible space where sound meets silence. There were no substances involved in the process, neither it needed to.

No matter where this experience took place, on a boardwalk or in a concert hall, in a created environment or a scene with a chaotic surrounding, "this space" made silence visible and calmness felt on a physical level. One may call it meditation, an inner retreat, presence, but these are just words trying to express such a state.

歌谱 列表:

01.Internal Flight.Estas Tonne (guitar version) 01:04:36

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