艺术家名:Marin Alsop

规格:9 首


类别:其它管乐器 弦乐


专辑 介绍:

本专辑中收录的《管弦乐协奏曲》是巴托克最著名的作品之一,这部作品是作曲家在二战期间被迫从匈牙利逃离到美国之后创作的作品。它不仅仅充分展现了各种乐器的独特于美丽,更将古典音乐与交响乐完美的结合。《Music for Strings》,《 Percussion hires9.com and Celesta》通过一系列叹为观止的对称设置探寻世界上黑暗的一面。本专辑收录的音乐作品由马林•阿尔索普指挥,巴尔蒂摩交响乐团演奏。

歌谱 列表:

1.Concerto for Orchestra, BB 123 I. Introduzione: Andante non troppo – Allegro vivace
2.Concerto for Orchestra, BB 123 II. Giuoco delle coppie: Allegretto scherzando
3.Concerto for Orchestra, BB 123 III. Elegia: Andante non troppo
4.Concerto for Orchestra, BB 123 IV. Intermezzo interrotto: Allegretto
5.Concerto for Orchestra, BB 123 V. Finale: Presto
6.Music for Strings, Percussion hires9.com and Celesta, BB 114 I. Andante tranquillo
7.Music for Strings, Percussion hires9.com and Celesta, BB 114 II. Allegro
8.Music for Strings, Percussion hires9.com and Celesta, BB 114 III. Adagio
9.Music for Strings, Percussion hires9.com and Celesta, BB 114 IV. Allegro molto

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