One Red Shoe 一只红色的鞋
艺术家名:Ewen Carruthers 老虎鱼 STOCKFISCH
1. Mr. Anderson
2. Hey Katrina
3. Lonley Little White Cloud
4. Long Distance
5. Chinese Girl
6. That Train
7. One Red Shoe
8. Information Getting Lost
9. A Springtime Story
10. The Railroad And The Plow
11. Lovebirds
12. Just Passing Through
1. Mr. Anderson
2. Hey Katrina
3. Lonley Little White Cloud
4. Long Distance
5. Chinese Girl
6. That Train
7. One Red Shoe
8. Information Getting Lost
9. A Springtime Story
10. The Railroad And The Plow
11. Lovebirds
12. Just Passing Through